Philatelic collection transfer
About the webmaster
笔者简历: 韩文光 1937年生于天津. 1954年毕业于北京化学工业学校并分配到南京化学工业公司...
Webmaster resume: Wenguang Han, senior engineer at professor grade. Was born in 1937 in Tianjin China.1954 graduated from the Beijing Chemical Industry Shool and assigned to the Nanjing Chemical Industrial Corp., served as foreman, workshop director, deputy plant director and chief engineer from 1954-1974. 1974-1997 was transferred to Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Corp. (Nanjing), Served as plant director, vice president of Jinling Petrochemical Corp.. Retired in 1997. Founded "Philatelic exploration round the world" and " Morricone Fans" website in 2003. Was elected the honorary president of " China Ennio Morricone Fans Association” (MorriUnion) in 2009.
Calendar year work and retirement photos
(See here for more photos and notes)
1954-1974 (17-37 years old) To hold the post of the section chief, director of workshop, design manager, deputy plant director and chief engineer in Nanjing Chemical industry Corp. (See here)
1974-1984 (37-47 years old) To hold the post of first plant director in Nanjing Qixiashan chemical fertilizer plant (imported from France) (See here)
1979 (42 years old) in France for checkout the making rotor (See here)
1980 (43 years old) After the turbine compressor to replace a new rotor compensatived hy French corp., joint photo with French experts in the night.
1986 (49 years old) visit Topsoe Co. in Danmark (See here )
1989 (52 years old) visit Dresser-Rand plant in American Olean(See here )
1993 (56 years old) visit Italian Eni-Montefibre Corp
1994 (57 years old) visit YALOVA fiber plant in Turkey and visit Istanbul
1995 (58 years old) visit American CYTEC PAN plant
1997 (60 years old) in Bangladesh for contract with an abroad project of Eastern refinery plant (See here)
1999年(62岁)退休后在家中招待德国老朋友 Chilian
1999 (62 years old) To entertain a German long friend Mr. Chilian at home (See here)
2001 (64 years old) My professional book ( "A technology guide for Chemical industry plant") was published (See here)
2006 (69 years old) traveling in Europe with my wife (See here)
2009.5.22 (72 years old) On behalf of Chinese Morricone's fans and present politely a gift to the great master Ennio Morricone in the culture Institute of Italy embassy in Beijing (See 01 and 02)
2009.5.24 (72 years old) Make a statement in the establishing meeting of "China Ennio Morricone Fans Assocition" in Beijing international building and accept the invitation to serve as its honorary president (Here)
2012.6 (75 years old) "Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook" was edited by me and published and released, the book has been collected as literature by China National Library"( See here)
2012.7 在家中和李钢朋友会见来访的法国爱好者朋友Nicola
2012.7 At home with friend Mr. Gang Li to entertain French friend and fan Mr. Nicolas (See here)
The flight of time, how momentary is a man's life!
January 2016
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